Oil painting version of a Van Gogh much loved classic! – painted while I was living in Italy for a graduate work placement. I stayed on for another term of work after my initial placement because there was a lot of work for me to do. During a break in the work schedule I was offered the chance to fly back to the UK for 6 weeks – I chose to hang around in the local area amusing myself with travels and other things.

On looking back I think I would have picked another Van Gogh Langlois painting of the bridge – I chose this one at the time because it was the small printed image I had in the book I was reading.

I painted this in 2006 while living in Italy – I was working over there on a graduate placement and had a few weeks spare time on my hands so decided to get a bit of painting on in the evenings.
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
Van Gogh